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Yom Kippur

Kapparot with Money

Monday October 7 & Tuesday October 8

7:45 PM


Last Selichot & Hatarat Nedarim

Thursday October 10 
5:00 PM -Selichot 
6:30 AM - Hatarat Nedarim 


Friday October 11
7:00 AM - Shachrit followed by

Hatarat Nedarim

2:00 PM - First Mincha 
2:30 PM -Matkot 
2:45 PM - Kapparot with money for those who haven't done it) 
6:20 PM - Second Mincha

6:50 PM - Cangle Lighting 


Night of Yom Kippur

Friday October 11

6:54 PM - Fast Begins

6:50 PM - Yom Kippur Services

(Lecha Eli, Kol Nidre) 
followed by Arvit,

Selichot & Opening of the Ark

for Sustenance (Parnasá)


Yom Kippur Day

Shabbat October 12
7:00 AM - Korbanot 
7:45 AM -Baruch Sheamar 
10: 15 AM - Torah Reading 
11:30 AM - Hashkava 
11:45AM - Musaf 
2:45 PM - Mincha 
5:30 PM - Neilah
7:10 PM - Arvit 
7:38 PM - Fast ends & Havdalah 

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